Our sponsors believe in the power of independent news, and we thank them for helping us support news leaders’ continued learning and connection-building across our industry.


We are social investors who support a more effective democracy by funding free expression and journalism, arts and culture in community, research in areas of media and democracy, and in American cities and towns where the Knight brothers once published newspapers.

GOLD Sponsor

Carole and Jerome Oppenheim Foundation

The Carol Oppenheim and Jerome S Lamet Charitable Fund is a charitable organization in Chicago, Illinois.

Bronze Sponsors

The Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute at the University of Missouri empowers journalists with knowledge, tools, and funding to strengthen journalism through practical innovation.

Indiegraf is a technology and growth services company that provides an all-in-one package for news publishers who need a website, email, and ad platform, as well as access to expert support under one umbrella.

Based in Chicago, with locations in India and Nigeria, the MacArthur Foundation works with people around the world to explore new ideas, approaches, and models. We’re committed to building a more just, verdant, and peaceful world.

Community Sponsor

America’s most trusted source of unbiased information on politics, elections and policy, Ballotpedia is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the public interest in creating an educated, engaged electorate, and building a strong, healthy democracy.

For free access to our 500,000+ encyclopedic, professionally authored, and curated articles, visit Ballotpedia.org.

BlueLena enables success for over 200 independent news organizations by deploying world-class technology and delivering the expertise and professional services to build long-term sustainable journalism business models.

Founded in a small local newsroom in 2018, Lede AI has been guiding news organizations in the deployment of useful and productive AI that keeps control in their hands and puts their readers and staff first.

Our purpose is simple and massive: To guide our clients through a radically transformative time, and in doing so, give them the superpowers they need to serve readers and communities better than ever before. We focus on people, not robots.


Support local news leaders

Our sponsorship options have limited inventory and start at $10,000. Contact sponsorships@lionpublishers.com to discuss which sponsorship level is right for you.